Monday, March 31, 2008

Roller Coaster

Here's the quick summary of this post: blech!

That's not actually the first word that would come to mind, but my semi-rational side tells me that a string of expletives wouldn't be appropriate for an adoption blog. We received an update from our agency after I posted earlier. Looks like the MOU will, indeed, expire on September 1. I had been fairly confident that the countries would sign a new one - it just makes so much sense that they would - but neither government has actually stated that they are working on a new agreement.

Why, oh why, are the governments making this so difficult? Seriously. Perhaps I should mail my copy of "Getting to Yes Without Giving In" to the DIA, Vietnam government, or whoever else could negotiate us out of this mess. :( It's heartbreaking to think of the gazillion kiddos living in orphanages, while there are so many parents here who would give about anything for the chance to welcome one into their homes.

When we first started researching adoption, everything I read said it was a roller coaster. That's the most accurate metaphor I've ever heard. Let's all cross our fingers - and pray, pray, pray! - for some positive movement in Vietnam.

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