Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's in the Mail!

Friday CIS called to say our approval was ready to be picked up.

This led to a bit of jumping around in my cubicle, followed by an afternoon of mad-crazy errand running. I left work to have one last form signed by our home study agency in Edmond. From there, it was off to west OKC to pick up Hubby at his office so we could have that final form notarized at a nearby bank. Then it was another trip to the Department of Homeland Security/CIS to pick up that wonderful approval form. Unfortunately my checkbook was at home, so southwest OKC was my next stop. After swinging my my in-law's office to make copies of everything, I finally mailed the paperwork and The Big Fat Check (dossier fee) to CHI. That amount of money deserves a formal name, hence the capitalization.

So, with any luck.... we'll be on the list Monday! Say it with me.... woo hoo!


K said...

That's great! Congratulations!

angie said...

YEAH!! Congratulations!