Thursday, February 21, 2008

Yoda and Friends

My cell phone has been dying a slow death since the fall. I finally gave in and bought a snazzy little phone, a Blackjack II. It took me months to justify the increased monthly payment. I'm an internet consultant, though, so I need to be able to access my site from anywhere, right...? Well, that and check movie times.

At any rate, I just learned how to transfer pictures from my camera. Here's one of hubby enjoying his Valentine's treats.

Yes, he's sharing his cookie with a little Yoda. Ahem, Yoda himself said, "Judge me by my size, do you? And well you should not, for my ally is the Force." Quite a powerful li'l guy.

In adoption news, we just received an update from CHI. The sweetest little three-year-old girl, who is HIV positive, has been on their waiting children list for over a year. Her forever family has now found her! Congrats to the family. She is quite the cutie.

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